Part One: The World of Wabi-Sabi. "What is Sabi?"

Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic ideal often considered together with Zen Buddhism. It is composed of two words, Wabi (侘) and Sabi (寂). Sabi is materialistic forms of imperfection and impermanence and Wabi comes from spiritual fullness and positive mindset to embrace the imperfect world of Sabi. I would like to explore the Wabi-Sabi world with you. First Let’s look at Sabi.  

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Message from the Garden Staff on Earth Day

The Garden Staff at the Seattle Japanese Garden is working in conjunction with the SPR and City of Seattle to take an active and positive role in improving our environmental responsibility.  Over the past several years and into the future, we have been and will increasingly be implementing changes that will reduce our emission of dangerous pollutants, reduce our use of fossil fuels, help to improve biodiversity, and protect our ecosystem.

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Chie Iida