Our koi friends at the Seattle Japanese Garden have been notified that their favorite event of the year, the very first feast on Koi Day in May, has been cancelled this year due to the garden closure. But, don’t worry - They can find plenty to eat in the pond and are very active. They, too, are staying home and staying healthy!
Visitors celebrate Koi Day - First day of koi feeding in May
Here are 6 fun ideas to enjoy Koi Day from home.
1. Say HELLO to koi, virtually
2. Family origami time!
You don’t have origami papers at home? No problem. You can use wrapping paper, magazine or lightweight scrapbook paper you already have at home!
The Puget Area Paperfolding Enthusiasts Roundtable shared some of their favorite origami tutorial sites with us. Thank you, P.A.P.E.R.! We look forward to more origami time with everyone in the garden.
Origami Spirit: https://www.origamispirit.com/
Happy Folding: https://www.happyfolding.com/
Foldspace Origami Studio: http://www.foldspacestudio.com/
3. Make origami koi
There are many designs available to make your own koi from paper. If you make one at home, please send us pictures!
4. Download a free koinobori coloring page
5. Visit our virtual exhibit
Highlights from Michelle Kumata’s exhibit Northwest Nikkei are virtually on display through the month of June. Northwest Nikkei celebrates the Seattle Japanese Garden and our local Nikkei community of 1960, the year the garden officially opened to the public.
6. Visit Washington Koi & Water Garden Society’s website to learn more about koi