“A sea monster, boat and mermaid in ocean waves” by Hillary Moore & Co.
For our June Family Saturday, a Seattle artist, Hillary Moore is sharing downloadable instructions for a fun mixed media ‘Wave Pattern Project” with our young audiences and their family.
“‘Mixed media art’ is visual art that uses a combination of media or materials. This project uses paint, coffee filters, markers and tag board, which makes it mixed media.”
Hillary combines her background in art and education with her passion in creative youth development and celebrates the playful, unexpected mindsets of young people.
Download “Wave Pattern Project” PDF here
What you need for “Wave Pattern Project”
Coffee filters
Watercolor paint
Brushes, spray bottles droppers
Floor/Table cover
Old file folders
Blue paint brushed on white coffee filters
Drip, spray or brush colors on damp or dry coffee filters - Can you get a range of value?
Photo: Hillary Moore
Thank you, Hillary Moore, for sharing a fun mixed media project with us. For more information about Hillary and her work, please visit https://hillarymoore.com/ and Quietest NOISE Studio. We look forward to having her at the garden for a fun hands-on art in future!