Norimi Kusanagi, a Bainbridge Island resident creates art by arranging the pressed leaves and flower petals. This technique is called ‘Oshi (press) bana (flower)’ in Japan.
In May of 2019, during a Free First Thursday event, we were fortunate to have Norimi visit the garden and share how her artwork is made. The room was filled with guests who were interested in learning the careful techniques she uses to gather and press flowers, then turn them into beautiful art. There was even the chance for guests to attempt hands-on flower art with Norimi’s expert guidance.
Many visitors stopped by for hands-on pressed-flower workshop.
Norimi used some of the flowers from our garden, gathered with help from our senior gardener.
We, unfortunately, will not be able to have hands-on workshops in the garden for a while. But, just like us, Norimi has been quarantined at her home on Bainbridge Island and has continued to make more artwork using plants she finds in her neighborhood.
Here’s a story from her walks this spring:
Bainbridge Island has many attractive parks and trails where I enjoy viewing flowers and nature throughout the seasons.
One day this spring an inspiration came to me while walking into one of those parks. I was struck, not only by the obvious beauty of the flowers and trees, but also by the bursting energy springing from them after the long stretch of dark rainy winter days. I call this energy, “nature’s honesty”.
For example, cherry blossoms, apple blossoms, and crabapple trees start their blooming cycle with only a few small buds, gradually open, and accelerate toward a full blossom. In other words, they never quit nor stop blooming half way just because they don’t want to finish the job. Instead, they simply focus on fulfilling their mission to bloom completely and continue their cycle, again and again, each season and each year.
Such profound and honest energy from nature always amazes and inspires me.
Norimi Kusanagi 6/18/2020
Norimi also kindly shared some of her work she made during the quarantine:
This video was beautifully filmed in her home studios and their surrounding and shows the process of how her pressed-flowers are made. *The video has no sound.